A Survival Guide for Suffering & Anxiety
I've been working hard on a free download for you! A survival guide for our hard things.
Hello, my friend.
Some fun news to share! I just finished and posted the latest free download for my email subscribers! It’s called Suffering & Anxiety: A Christian Survival Guide. The table of contents is below. Scroll down to see why I put this together and how it might help and those you love.
Why the Guide?
In all my years of battling anxiety and working through suffering and grief, I’ve learned the purpose God has for our hard things. I’ve also seen destructive views of suffering and anxiety in the church. I wanted to condense what I’ve learned in a single, high-quality PDF, with clickable links to articles, books, and podcasts. I focus exclusively on what good things God does through our suffering and anxiety. I call it a “Survival Guide” because it’s meant to help people “on the ground” with these things. It’s not a lengthy exposition. It’s a sequence of short, focused articles on the main issues and the tools people need to start using as they’re shaped to Christ’s image.
This guide would be ideal for anyone entering a bout of suffering or anxiety, or long-time strugglers who need encouragement and inspiration.
Click the button below to download the PDF. And tell friends and family that they can get their own free download when they join the Substack email list (even as a free subscriber).
I pray this is a blessing to you!! Spread the word, and may God continue to shepherd and shape you to the image of his Son.