Have Some Light (and a Free Book)
My latest book on the light of Christ and how we give it to others (free ebook)
“A combination of rich, deep theology, vivid illustration, poetic feeling, and the wonder of the theme of light in Scripture.”
— Vern S. Poythress
So . . . I’ve been busy. For a while, I wanted to write a book for Christians that shows what it means to have “the light of Christ” inside them. I wanted to explore, specifically, how the light of Christ suggests we should treat one another. Here are some of the questions that I pursued.
How does Jesus interact with others? (I read through all four gospels and examined every passage where Jesus engages with someone else.)
What does God see when he looks at sinners who reach out to him in faith? Jesus hung out with the lowly and destitute. What did he see in them? What should we see when we look at a fellow believer?
How do we become more like Christ in our conversations with others? Jesus had a strange way of talking with people. For instance, he often asked questions or told stories (parables) that changed people. His words made listeners do a double-take or feel a Spirit-driven sense of conviction. Can we learn from him?
How do we know we are “growing in the Lord”? Carrying around God inside of us (Father, Son, and Spirit) should alter the way we live. How can we tell that we’re changing?
Now that book is out. I’m thrilled to put it out there. It’s called The Christ-Light, and it’s a blend of theological and biblical exploration, poetic praise, and personal introspection. And since you are “my people,” you can get the ebook for FREE today (Monday) and Tuesday (January 15 and 16)! No strings attached. Just go download it to your e-reader or Kindle device.
Of course, I’m old school and like to read books in print. So, I’ll invite you check out the paperback version as well. This book is ideal for personal or group study, since each chapter includes a prayer and discussion questions. I pray it’s a great blessing to the church!!